Together, unity, and other synonyms are words often used in many ways in life. Athletic teams, political parties, churches, and conventions come to mind. I have been reminded of this during these past two years serving Arkansas Baptists. October is the month that you hear the words and observe the outcomes clearly. This is the time of most associational annual meetings and our state convention which meets October 22-23 at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church.
I have the privilege of preaching at five of our associational meetings this year. Yes, I have heard the word, “together.” Together means to be in proximity to another person or people, companionship, close association. This is true. Our associations are largely comprised of churches close to each other in a defined part of our state. It is usual that these churches share a lot in common based on common life experiences and challenges where they live and serve.
Unity is a worthy goal, don’t you think? Oneness is a synonym and a call of Christ to Christians. He makes us one new person in Him. He calls us to be one as He is one with the Father. While unity is always our aim, we also recognize diversity, or in church life— autonomy. Just as the believer in a church shares ministry with different gifts, so churches in cooperation are diverse by their location and their mission of how to carry out the commission of our Lord.
Our people are together in their convictions of the authority of God’s word, the exclusivity of Christ and the autonomy of the church. Baptists have long held as well that we can move the commission better, quicker and further by doing things together and finding unity even though we are not all alike. Our associational meetings and state convention remind us of the great work the Lord has allowed us to share.
I hope to see you at the convention. I am looking forward to our conversation on Monday evening and hope you have registered to attend. I am praying that the reports and messages, including the one I will deliver on Tuesday night, are in line with the Lord’s desire for us. While the meetings across the years have some common themes, the most important task for us is to always make sure we are in alignment with the Lord’s leadership for our churches, associations and Convention.
Let’s move forward together.