LITTLE ROCK – “Viable,” a play dramatizing the impact of abortion, is coming to Arkansas in September, and the leader of the state’s leading pro-life organization is seeking churches to host it.
“I saw it live in South Carolina at our national convention this summer and I feel it is so important that it be seen and help those suffering from a secret abortion to get help, healing and reconciliation,” said Rose Mimms, executive director of Arkansas Right to Life.
Mimms plans to present the play across the state in the following tour cities: Rogers or Springdale, Sept. 27; Jonesboro, Sept. 28; Little Rock, Sept. 29, and Texarkana, Sept. 30. The play is free and open to the public. She said the event is “not a fundraiser,” but a love offering will be taken after each performance to defray expenses.
“So many women and men suffer in silence from a secret abortion that affects so many areas and relationships in their lives, most importantly their spiritual relationship with God. Our churches are full of these men and women,” said Mimms. “Viable exposes the secret, the trauma and the brokeness of abortion while offering hope, forgiveness, renewal and healing.”
She added, “Viable tells the truth in a one-act play and offers the love, mercy and grace that only Jesus Christ can give to lift women out of the pit of self condemnation they feel everyday of their lives, not by the pro-life movement but the natural guilt and shame felt by a mother who has abandoned her child to death. Many do so not because they choose it but because they feel they have no other choice. It is a terrible choice to live with.”
To contact Mimms about how a church to can participate email [email protected] or call Arkansas Right to Life at (501) 663-4237.