Published: February 2, 2025 (1 week ago)
Life Line Baptist Church of Little Rock, Arkansas is prayerfully seeking a senior pastor. Believing that God wants our church family to be as diverse as the neighborhood we serve, Life Line has a heartbeat for Little Rock! Life Line has been on the corner of Baseline and Chicot for 113 years, and we trust that the Lord still has abundantly more in store for this congregation and community. We love God and our neighbors as ourselves in discipleship, worship, evangelism, ministry, and fellowship. We want to reach our neighboring people (“Jerusalem”), our near people (“Judea”), our neglected people (“Samaria”), and our new people (“the uttermost ends of the earth”)
We are praying the Lord sends a man of God, sturdy in his faith and grounded in biblical knowledge. He should be prepared to preach sermons inspired by our Lord on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, as well as play an active role in ministering to God’s people alongside our deacons and committed members.
Though we have no desire to place limits upon the workings of the Holy Spirit, our search committee is especially considering resumes from applicants who have obtained a master of theology from an accredited university. Those with equivalent experience are also welcome to apply.
If you are interested in learning more about Life Line, you can visit Following prayerful consideration, those led by the Holy Spirit to apply should send a cover letter and resume to [email protected].