[Perspective] Be learners rather than knowers
The most effective people are “learners” rather than “knowers.”
The most effective people are “learners” rather than “knowers.”
In four years, Ouachita’s nursing program has grown from zero to 100 students.
Listen to what a 1999 Ouachita alumna named Lizann recently shared with me about a life-changing class – and notice the level of detail she
In all that we do, we seek to sustain our distinct Christian identity and ensure a transformative educational experience for our students by fostering a love of God and a love of learning.
In preparing for Convocation – our first Chapel service of the new school year – I reviewed a devotion from Oswald Chambers’ “My Utmost for His Highest.”
At Ouachita, we collect and assess data on student outcomes that provide evidence of progress—of growth—toward fulfilling our Christ-centered higher education mission.
We invest in our students, encourage them and celebrate their many successes.
Despite the daunting challenges our nation and world face, by God’s grace Ouachita Baptist University is experiencing momentum.
Arkansas Baptists, through your generous support, you are investing in first-generation students.
The class of 2021 marks a turnaround for Ouachita, a rising tide in our enrollment – highest in 20 years – that’s running counter to trends.
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