[Bible, Ministry & More] Should Baptists care about doctrine?
Essentially doctrine is what the Bible says regarding a specific issue or stance.
Essentially doctrine is what the Bible says regarding a specific issue or stance.
Given the critical nature of the resurrection, it shouldn’t be surprising that it has received considerable pushback over the last 2,000 years.
And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore, the child to be born will be called Holy—the Son of God.”
Over the last several articles, I have been defending the historical reliability of Sacred Scripture. As noted before, this is no small task given that
In 1896, two young archeologists happened upon some of the most significant archeological finds of the 20th century: early fragments of the New Testament and early writings of the Christian faith.
The purpose of this book is simple. I want to show how modern science, in various guises, can address and is addressing the question why there is something rather than nothing: The answers that have been obtained—from staggeringly beautiful experimental observations, as well as from the theories that underline much of modern physics—all suggest that getting something from nothing is not a problem. Indeed, something from nothing may have been required for the universe to come into being. Moreover, all signs suggest that this is how our universe could have arisen.[1]
Probably one of the most popular counters to the historical reliability of Scripture is atheism.
The Christian dependence upon the reliability and authority of Scripture is paramount in defending the veracity of the Christian faith.
I’m sure there are multiple reasons for such a distortion of the character of God. One of the most prominent being that a hippy god seems far more likely to ignore my sinful actions.
So it might sound a bit strange to claim that God uses suffering for His glory and our benefit, but that is exactly what Scripture shows us. In other words, there is a purpose—of sorts—behind suffering.
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