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13 saved at Sports Crusaders camp in NLR

NORTH LITTLE ROCK – Thirteen children made professions of faith during a Sports Crusaders basketball camp held July 22-26 in the Baring Cross community of North Little Rock.

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Sports Crusaders conducted the camp as a part of the UrbanPromise Arkansas ministry at the Agape Community Temple of Servants (ACTS) church. Kristin Walker serves as director of the ministry.

“UrbanPromise is a special organization that is filled with great young leaders (the street helpers), and they have an awesome camp director, and it was a pleasure to get to know them and their organization,” said Brady Atwell of Maryville, Mo., Sports Crusaders team member. “They truly have the best intentions for the kids and are doing a great thing for the area.”

In all, 65 children attended the camp. Atwell said the camp included numerous activities, including stretching; a “skill time” designed to teach children fundamental skills; “half-time,” where children were taught how to improve as an athlete and a Christian; skills enhancement, which included learning the skill of the day, and games, where children got the opportunity to try out their newly learned skills.

Sports Crusaders, based in Holts Summit, Mo., was founded by the late Bobby Shows, former recreation minister of Park Hill Baptist Church, North Little Rock. In 25 years Sports Crusaders camps have involved more than 51,000 campers.

For more information on UrbanPromise Arkansas, visit More information about Sports Crusaders is available at

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