Davis: There is absolutely no SBC hierarchy
Let’s make one thing clear from the outset: There is absolutely no denominational hierarchy when it comes to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Let’s make one thing clear from the outset: There is absolutely no denominational hierarchy when it comes to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Seth Haile, a senior at Williams Baptist University (WBU), developed and held a church planting conference on November 10 to fulfill the requirement for his senior project.
“Mrs. Louise,” as the students call her, is 96-years old. Despite her age, she continues to serve in the youth group with joy, eagerness and passion.
I went to seminary with the intention to study theology and counseling, but I had no plans to be a counselor.
The Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention has reaffirmed “with eagerness” the BFM’s status “as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention.”
When it comes to disciple making in the local church, I am hearing from frustrated pastors and other church leaders who feel they expend a great deal of energy and resources but still don’t make much progress. Their discipleship ministry, much like our flat-bottom boat, is stuck.
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