First Baptist Sheridan experiences phenomenal growth in missions giving
To say that missions giving has become a priority for the members of First Baptist Church in Sheridan would be an understatement.
To say that missions giving has become a priority for the members of First Baptist Church in Sheridan would be an understatement.
‘Around the state’ is a segment in the eMagazine that goes out every other Thursday to our email subscriber list. In this segment, we feature church staff changes, as well as church news and announcements you send to us. We want Arkansas Baptists to know what’s going on around the state and be able to celebrate together and encourage each other.
Thanksgiving has traditionally been a time to gather with family around a homecooked meal. However, we sometimes forget that some families are worried if they will be able to have a meal at all.
The Arkansas Baptist State Convention’s (ABSC) newly formed Sexual Abuse Task Force recently held its first in-person meeting.
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