Reaching the world through international student exchange
Hosting an exchange student is like taking an international mission trip without ever leaving your home.
Hosting an exchange student is like taking an international mission trip without ever leaving your home.
It is not every day that over 30 International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries are able to make a special “short-term” trip themselves to intentionally invest in those who have sent them. One of the great benefits of the Cooperative Program (CP) is this mutual encouragement and investment.
We want Arkansas Baptists to know what’s going on around the state and be able to celebrate together and encourage each other.
Clint Ritchie was recently named as the new Assistant Team Leader for the Missions Team at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC).
Churches from the Arkansas River Valley, Faulkner, and Conway-Perry Baptist Associations met together on March 5 and 6, for a joint Sunday School teachers’ training called Teach 28:20.
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