HARRISON – Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries (ABCHomes) dedicated the John Ross Ministry Building Sept. 10 on the campus of the Baptist Ranch (formerly the Boys Ranch) in Harrison.
The building was dedicated in the honor of John Ross, a longtime staff member, and “pillar” of ABCHomes.
“John Ross joined Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries in 1984, making him one of the pillars of our organization,” read ABCHomes’ written comments from the dedication event. “In his free time, you might find John making the most of great hunting and fishing opportunities in the Natural State – or stopping for a cup of coffee at McDonald’s. … Please join us as we celebrate the opening of the John Ross Ministry Building.”
Guests and speakers during the dedication ceremony included Derek Brown, executive director of ABCHomes; Roger Langlie, Baptist Ranch director; Dave Hughey, pastor of Geyer SPrings First Baptist Church, Little Rock; Todd Ross, son of John Ross; Joshua Townsend, ABCHomes development director; and Bob Hall, president of ABCHomes’ Board of Trustees.
Mark Ross, another son of John Ross, performed special music during the event.
For more information on ABCHomes, visit arkansasfamilies.org.