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[Ministry Spotlight] ABDR gets new quick response kitchen, truck  

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Through the generosity of Arkansas Baptist churches and individuals, the Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief (ABDR) team was recently able to purchase a new quick response kitchen and truck.  

Following the tornadoes in March that devastated areas in central Arkansas and Wynne, ABDR Director Randy Garrett said several churches as well as individuals stepped up and made donations to disaster relief efforts.  

With additional resources available, Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock asked Garrett what ABDR might need. After research and talks with Immanuel, they secured a quick response kitchen, which is fully self-sustained and allows ABDR to have a unit on site and feeding in just a matter of hours as opposed to days.  

Garrett said ABDR already has quick response kitchens in northwest, northeast and south areas of the state. This one will be housed in central Arkansas.  

“No matter what happens in any part of the state, we can respond quickly to get the feeding units up and operational,” Garrett said.  

Also, thanks to the generosity of Arkansas Baptists, ABDR bought a truck to pull the new kitchen.  

“One thing I want to emphasize more than anything else is the generosity of Arkansas Baptists. Any time there is a disaster of any kind, they step up and provide the resources for us to do what we do. Our main purpose is to represent Jesus Christ in times of disasters. The only way we are able to fulfill that is through the giving of our great churches and individuals through the state,” Garrett said.  

Garrett.Thomas.DRmobile kitchen 1
ABDR Director Randy Garrett and ABDR Volunteer Steve Thomas

For more information about ABDR, visit  

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2 Responses

  1. So happy for this great addition to the ministry. The witness of the workers in DR is tremendous and I am so proud that we are known for being on the front lines of meeting crisis needs.

  2. Great contribution to the cause will sure help at time of need. If any funds are leftover Immanuel Baptist church of Carlisle needs a cargo trailer for Box Ministry

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