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ABF approves budget, distributes funds

LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Baptist Foundation (ABF) Board of Directors approved the organization’s 2020 budget and officers, as well as distributions for mission work in Israel, among other business during its quarterly board meeting Nov. 14 in Little Rock.

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ABF’s 2020 officers are John McMorran, chairman; Jay Shell, vice chairman; Tommy Vaughan, secretary; Bobby Thomas, president; Dillon McClain, vice president, and Eric Davis, treasurer.

Mark Conine, the current chairman of the ABF’s board, was recognized for his service during the meeting. Wendell Stratton was recognized for completing a six-year term of service on the board.

The board approved the ABF’s 2020 operating budget, in addition to Amos distributions for mission work in Israel and among the Israelite people.

In other action, the board:

– Heard a report from Thomas, who reviewed the report given at this year’s Arkansas Baptist State Convention Annual Meeting, highlighting five young professionals on ABF staff who are professionally trained and using their talents to fulfill a call to ministry.

Thomas noted a variety of resources available by the ABF such as the continuation of scholarship opportunities provided to Arkansas Baptist students and an online form for creating a legacy giving plan available to Arkansas Baptists in denominational service or those wishing to make a legacy gift to kingdom causes.

Thomas told the board that approximately $100 million in estate plans have been prepared this year by ABF attorney Dillon McClain.

– Heard a report from Jason Wilkie, executive director of Camp Siloam.

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