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Alford begins work with ABSC

Mary Alford joined the Arkansas Baptist State Convention’s (ABSC) communications team as a creative content producer on Dec. 1, 2022, after seven years working for newspapers in Mississippi and Kentucky, the state she grew up in. 

“I’m so excited to have Mary join the ABSC communications and Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) staff,” said Craig Jenkins, the director of convention advancement and news for the ABSC. “Mary is an accomplished writer and a great storyteller.  She comes to Arkansas with strong news writing experience.  What I’m grateful for is the heart for Jesus and Kingdom work that is forefront to her skills.  Mary is going to be a blessing as she tells the stories of God’s work in and through Arkansas Baptists cooperating together!” 

While Alford will assist the communications team in producing content for various projects, including the print newsletter, Arkansas Baptist Life, her primary role will be writing for the ABN and producing the bi-weekly eMag. 

Alford received her bachelor’s degree from Morehead State University, where she studied conversion media. Since graduating, Alford’s work experience includes writing for the Delta Democrat-Times in Greenville, Mississippi and The News-Enterprise in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.  

“I love community news and I love sharing stories of people,” Alford said. “And when this door opened, I just thought this was a great way to continue that, but [with] a focus on sharing God’s story and what people are doing through Him.” 

Alford inherited her love for journalism from her dad, Roger, who currently serves as the editor of The Christian Index, Georgia’s Baptist newspaper. From him, she has learned the importance of “making…connections and reaching out to people and getting to know them.” 

“I grew up hunting with my dad,” Alford said.  

Other hobbies include hiking, camping, traveling and spending time outdoors. 

“I usually have fishing poles in my car,” Alford said.  

She is excited about exploring the natural state and meeting Arkansans. For now, she has settled in Conway. 

“It’s a nice community. There’s lots to do there,” Alford said. “I’m thankful for the opportunity to come here and share the stories of Arkansas Baptists and what God is doing in the state.” 

The communications team is thrilled to have another team member, especially one so capable.  

“It is a blessing to have a young lady of Mary’s caliber as a coworker and a friend,” said Gwen McCallister, the team’s ministry assistant, who aids in producing the ABN among many other responsibilities. “Upon meeting Mary, it was evident that she is a person who loves God and loves people. Her patience with the ‘old lady’ of the team is remarkable.” 

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