Today marked six days since an EF-3 Tornado tore through Jonesboro, affecting many commercial businesses and residential areas.

Five days later, Randy Garrett said that Disaster Relief volunteers have completed all that had been requested of them and were shutting things down today.
Overall, tremendous works were done by everyone involved. There was a total of 148 volunteers with Disaster Relief, 87 of those credentialed volunteers. There was a total of 322 contacts with one profession of faith, 16 Gospel presentations and 35 bibles distributed. They worked a total of 1,379 hours, completed 53 jobs and served 1,291 meals.
There were many helping hands in the city of Jonesboro with many neighbors helping each other. Disaster Relief was able to help as many people as possible by being the hands and feet of Jesus, both physically and spiritually.
For more information including how you can get involved, visit abscdisasterrelief.orgArkansas Baptist Disaster Relief is a ministry of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) is known as a family and network of 1500+ Arkansas Baptist churches, agencies, and institutions around the state that have chosen to cooperate together to advance the Kingdom of Jesus.