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Arise draws more than 300 Arkansas Baptists together at FBC Rogers

A choir of more than 80 members from various churches in northwest Arkansas lead worship during Arise held at First Baptist Church in Rogers. (Ethan Dial/ABN)

ROGERS, Ark. – More than 300 Arkansas Baptists gathered at First Baptist Church in Rogers over the weekend for Arise, an Arkansas Baptist State Convention event to come together in different regions across the state to celebrate God’s work.  

On Sunday, May 7, it was in northwest Arkansas. 

The night was comprised of worship led by a choir consisting of more than 80 members from various churches in the region followed by Interim Executive Director Dr. Rex Horne, who brought a message on love and unity and highlighted ministry work through Arkansas Baptists. Horne referenced 1 John 4 and John 13.  

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ABSC Interim Executive Director Rex Horne delivers a message Sunday, May 7, during Arise. (Mary Alford/ABN)

Renee Johnson, who with her husband, Aaron, and family planted Story Church in Bentonville, called the event encouraging.  

“Sometimes we get so busy in our own worlds and church and what has to be done. It was just so encouraging tonight to be able to come together with everyone in the area,” she said. “The sermon on love was really needed for me. The examples of foot washing and true love – it was just an encouraging night. We’re so happy to be here.”  

Lynn Loyd, who serves in northwest Arkansas on the ABSC College + Young Leaders Team, said it is significant “any time we get to draw the churches together in northwest Arkansas.”  

During the event, Loyd said he ran into multiple former Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) students. “It is a joy for me to come to an event like this and see former students engaged in our churches and our associations,” he said.  

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Arkansas Baptists fellowship during Arise in northwest Arkansas. (Ethan Dial/ABN)

Loyd offices in the Northwest Arkansas Ministry Center located at the former 26th Street Baptist Church in Rogers along with Tim Wicker, the northwest Arkansas lead strategist, and Chris Kohlman, a long-time northwest Arkansas resident, who also serves with the College + Young Leaders Team.  

For more about the ministry center, which provides facilities for Arkansas Baptist ministry work in the region, click here.   

Horne said he was very pleased and grateful for the attendance and spirit at the Arise celebration at First Baptist Church in Rogers.  

“I think our hope of celebrating our service together in a time of worship was experienced,” he said.  

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