Each year men and women all over this country stand in groups of two, 10, or 50 and recite a statement that changes their lives. They make a promise to do three things: support and defend the constitution of the United States, protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic, and obey orders given by the President of the United States. Taking this oath is the last official act in the process of being a soldier in the Armed Forces of the United States.
This oath they have taken basically declares that they are not living life any way they want. Their time is not their own. They are under the direction of a power that is greater than themselves.They are on assignment.
Any current or ex-military person can attest to the fact that being on assignment means that you have given up all your rights and privileges that some civilians have.
As a believer in Christ, as we mature to the level that God wants us to be, we should be able to identify with being on assignment. Instead of being led by sergeants, colonels, and generals, believers are led by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as recorded in our Holy Scriptures. These Scriptures can be called our modus operandi…our way of doing things. Whether we want to accept or believe it, we too are on assignment.
Our assignment as believers is planned, personal, and perfected in community. As recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:24 “…God has put the body together …….” Our assignment is personal to us as individuals because “A spiritual gift is given to each of us…” (1 Corinthians 12:7). But the beauty about our assignment is that it is perfected within community. That same Scripture states that we all have gifts “…so we can help each other.”
As we begin another school year, let’s challenge ourselves and our children to look at assignments in a different light. It’s not just work, papers, or research for the sake of work. These assignments are beyond the individual. They mature us intellectually, relationally, and spiritually so that we can edify each other and glorify God. Let the Body of Christ raise our hands and salute. We are on assignment.
By Neal Scoggins
Believers in Christ are on assignment
By Neal Scoggins
Each year men and women all over this country stand in groups of two, 10, or 50 and recite a statement that changes their lives. They make a promise to do three things: support and defend the constitution of the United States, protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic, and obey orders given by the President of the United States. Taking this oath is the last official act in the process of being a soldier in the Armed Forces of the United States.
This oath they have taken basically declares that they are not living life any way they want. Their time is not their own. They are under the direction of a power that is greater than themselves.They are on assignment.
Any current or ex-military person can attest to the fact that being on assignment means that you have given up all your rights and privileges that some civilians have.
As a believer in Christ, as we mature to the level that God wants us to be, we should be able to identify with being on assignment. Instead of being led by sergeants, colonels, and generals, believers are led by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as recorded in our Holy Scriptures. These Scriptures can be called our modus operandi…our way of doing things. Whether we want to accept or believe it, we too are on assignment.
Our assignment as believers is planned, personal, and perfected in community. As recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:24 “…God has put the body together …….” Our assignment is personal to us as individuals because “A spiritual gift is given to each of us…” (1 Corinthians 12:7). But the beauty about our assignment is that it is perfected within community. That same Scripture states that we all have gifts “…so we can help each other.”
As we begin another school year, let’s challenge ourselves and our children to look at assignments in a different light. It’s not just work, papers, or research for the sake of work. These assignments are beyond the individual. They mature us intellectually, relationally, and spiritually so that we can edify each other and glorify God. Let the Body of Christ raise our hands and salute. We are on assignment.
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