HOT SPRINGS, Ark. – Senior year for high school students has looked extremely different than they ever would’ve imagined. With things like prom and graduation cut or rescheduled for possible later dates, it was hard to imagine that summer would end up untouched.

Super Summer 2020 was canceled in late March due to low registration and the concern for students’ health. However, the Super Summer team still wanted to do something for seniors who had their last year of camp taken from them. Super Summer offers Camo school for graduated seniors, which trains them in apologetics and spiritual leadership as they gear up to head off to college or the workforce. It’s a summer that most who attend Super Summer routinely look forward to when it’s their time.
In July the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) Super Summer team planned a virtual Camo School Experience. Bill Newton, from First Baptist Church in Hot Springs, hosted the live stream event. Newton teaches these apologetic and leadership lessons to seniors each year at Super Summer. Students learn about their Christian worldview and how to approach and answer questions like ‘Where did I come from?’ and ‘What’s wrong with the world?’ when faced with other religions and backgrounds. Newton also covered other topics such as abortion, pornography and evolution. He also explains how students can find and use evidence in the Bible to support their worldviews and ultimately point back to the Gospel. Over 100 seniors tuned in for the two-day event.
Jayce Leeper, a senior from Texarkana who attends Trinity Baptist Church, said in an email that he appreciated the investment that the ABSC and Super Summer were making on him and other seniors across the state.
“Thank you for the hard work in preparation and the gracious handling of tough topics,” he said. “I was encouraged by our opportunity to examine what it means to have a Biblical Worldview and how that affects our interpretation of cultural and theological issues. Most importantly, God was glorified! Thank you for being faithful!”
If you want to hear more from Bill Newton, click here to listen to his interview from the Lead > Defend Conference in February on the Lead > Defend Podcast.