Women in Uganda find escape from brothels and hope for salvation
Women in the slum brothels of Kampala, Uganda, are learning God has not forgotten them, there is hope and redemption in their life stories, and He has given them a new name.
Women in the slum brothels of Kampala, Uganda, are learning God has not forgotten them, there is hope and redemption in their life stories, and He has given them a new name.
A Disaster Assistance & Response Team (DART) of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) and volunteers returned from Poland last week to survey ways volunteers from the United States might engage and serve Ukrainian refugees fleeing the invasion of their homeland.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
It is not every day that over 30 International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries are able to make a special “short-term” trip themselves to intentionally invest in those who have sent them. One of the great benefits of the Cooperative Program (CP) is this mutual encouragement and investment.
Polish Baptists and International Mission Board missionaries quickly rallied to respond to the needs of Ukrainian refugees crossing the border to seek sanctuary from the attack on their homeland.
*Names changed for security Ben is from a culturally Christian family in North Africa. He grew up in London and is familiar with Scripture. Adam*
Neither John nor Serena Tail grew up as believers. “We routinely just lived for ourselves,” John explained. As a young person Serena often heard that church was full of hypocrites.
George Liele is one of the most significant figures in the history of Christian missions.
Kara and her husband are refugees from Burundi and live in South Africa. They work with IMB missionaries David and Julie Yngsdal, who serve among refugee communities in Durban, South Africa.
For Jason and Allison Cook* history does repeat itself. Like Philip in the Bible, the Cooks obeyed God’s call on their life and traveled to another land.
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