Pastors, church leaders encouraged to participate in biennial church compensation survey
GuideStoneFinancial Resources, Lifeway Research and Baptist state conventions have again teamed up for the SBC Church Compensation Survey.
GuideStoneFinancial Resources, Lifeway Research and Baptist state conventions have again teamed up for the SBC Church Compensation Survey.
Pastors and church leaders from across the state gathered at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention on Tuesday for the first of two Renewing the Church Summits.
Jeff Iorg will become the eighth leader of the SBC Executive Committee. Iorg received a unanimous vote from 60 EC members at a special-called EC meeting today (March 21).
The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee will consider Gateway Seminary President Jeff Iorg for EC president and CEO in a special called meeting from noon-3 p.m. March 21 in Dallas.
Editor’s note: This article was written by Diana Chandler, Baptist Press. INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – A preliminary schedule for the Southern Baptist Convention 2024 Annual Meeting
A special-called meeting will take place March 21 for SBC Executive Committee members to consider the nomination of Jeff Iorg as the next EC president and CEO.
A culture of prayer is never accidental. It has to be cultivated and nurtured for growth.
Gen Z has passion. The church has purpose. There is common ground between these two if we look for it.
On Valentine’s evening, many Southern Baptists gathered in Phoenix, Arizona, to celebrate the latest group of missionaries heading to the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Editor’s note: This article was written by Carol Pipes, director of corporate communications for LifeWay Christian Resources. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Henry Blackaby, author of Experiencing God,
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