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[Church Business Spotlight] Policies provide structure, clear guidelines

Churches often function as complex organizations with a need for structure and clear guidelines. This is where church policies come into play. These policies provide a framework for smooth operation, protect the church and its members, and ensure the mission remains central to all activities. Listed below are different types of policies commonly found in churches and what these policies might help your church leadership with. 

Financial Policies: Churches rely on the financial contributions of their members to function. Financial policies ensure responsible financial management and transparency of these contributions, including:

  • Credit Card:  
    Explains who receives a credit card and how they can be used. 
  • Gift acceptance:  
    Sets parameters for the type of gifts the church can and cannot accept and how they are managed. 
  • Accountable reimbursement:  
    Procedures for staff and volunteers to submit and receive reimbursement for approved expenses. 
  • Financial Spending Plan:  
    Details the processes by which staff (and volunteers) can spend money. Typically identifies any threshold and/or approvals that must be adhered to.  

Financial policies like these help maintain trust with church members and ensure resources are directed towards the contribution designation and church’s mission. 

Personnel Policies:  Many churches have staff members and volunteers who play vital roles in the daily function of the church. Personnel policies provide clear expectations and ensure fair treatment of staff and volunteers, including: 

  • Staff hiring and termination:  
    A clear process for recruiting, interviewing, and dismissing employees. 
  • Compensation and benefits:  
    Salary/benefit structures, vacation policies, and healthcare coverage for church staff. 
  • Volunteer recruitment and training:  
    Guidelines for identifying and onboarding volunteers in various ministries. 

These personnel policies promote a healthy work environment and foster positive relationships between staff/volunteers and leadership. These policies may be included in what is commonly called an employee handbook.

Safety and Security PoliciesThe safety and well-being of all members, particularly children and vulnerable adults, should be of paramount concern for churches. Policies in this area often include: 

Sex Offender Policy:  
Include background checks for volunteers who work with children and youth, as well as protocols for supervision and child protection. Details what to do should a sex offender be on campus.

Emergency preparedness:  
Plans for responding to natural disasters or other emergencies when on campus/church grounds. 

Building use:  
Guidelines for who can access the church facilities and for what purposes. 

These policies demonstrate the church’s commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for all. 

Communication Policies:  Clear and consistent communication is essential within any organization. Church communication policies may address: 

  • Internal communication:  
    How information gets disseminated within the congregation, such as through church newsletters, website, or social media. 
  • Specific website and social media management policies for maintaining appropriate online presence and content. 
  • External communication:  
    Guidelines for media relations and communication with the broader community. 
  • Website and social media management:  
    Policies for maintaining appropriate online presence and content. 

These policies ensure transparency, and effective communication as the church seeks to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. 

The process of developing and implementing church policies involves several key considerations: 

  • Involvement:  
    Leaders should seek input from various members of the congregation to ensure policies reflect the needs and perspectives of the community. 
  • Clarity:  
    Policies should be written in clear, concise language that is easily understood by everyone. 
  • Regular Review:  
    Policies should be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and up to date. 
  • Communication and Education:  
    Leaders have a responsibility to communicate policies effectively and educate members on their use. 

Church policies are not meant to be constraints but rather essential tools for creating a thriving community. Policies provide a framework for ethical conduct, responsible stewardship, and the well-being of all members. When developed thoughtfully and implemented with transparency, these policies empower churches to fulfill their mission.

If you are looking for examples of policies, the Arkansas Baptist Foundation can provide examples. Our desire is to serve, advise, and encourage churches across our state. Please call our office at 501-376-4791, ext. 5907 if we can help you or your church in any way.  

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3 Responses

  1. Thanks, Patrick. Though I am not currently a pastor, you have covered well a wide scope of issues about which churches need guidance.

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