JACKSONVILLE, Ark. – Two years ago, Marshall Road Baptist Church in Jacksonville began a partnership with Murrell Taylor Elementary School, offering additional support for students and teachers.
At a recent luncheon, the Jacksonville North Pulaski School District applauded the partnership and the church’s “invaluable work and commitment to helping the scholars and staff.” The church was presented with a plaque and certificate of appreciation.

“We don’t do it for accolades, we do it to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community,” Marshall Road Baptist Church Outreach and Women’s Ministry Coordinator Teri Cox-Meadows said.
Cox-Meadows noted Murrell Taylor Elementary School has a large population of socio-economically disadvantaged students who struggle for food security. She said their teachers work hard to meet all their needs academically, physically, and emotionally. The church does what it can to help, such as providing backpack food for the weekends, a Soles on Souls shoe ministry, clothes closet support, teacher recognition and support, and support for holiday food needs and gifts.
Last week, the church provided spring break food baskets for 60 families. The baskets provide food for three family meals, like chicken and rice and spaghetti, as well as some snacks and breakfast items. Additionally, the church served the teachers dinner as they prepared for their parent teacher meetings.
Marshall Road Baptist Church also works with Lighthouse Charter, University of Central Arkansas (UCA), University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), and Safe Babies to support their clothing, food, and transportation needs.
“We are blessed to serve these amazing organizations and are thankful for the open doors,” Cox-Meadows said.