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“Moovin’ folks from pasture to purpose isn’t just a strategy, it is the the DNA of who we are.”  

Since Easter 2019, 18 people have been baptized, and many who have been far from God are finding new purpose in Christ. And among the core team that has been mobilized from First Baptist Russellville many are already discovering a purpose for which The Church in the Dirt is serving as a training ground. 

“I would love for this to be a revolving door that 10 years down the road results in four or five more churches,” says Jay Ham. “Our pastoral team is a mix of bi-vocational guys and guys already called to potentially plant elsewhere down the road.” For the past 17 years Jay and others from FBC have been personally engaged in rural communities in the region and a cowboy culture that is often very distant from the local church. And when evening Bible Studies, Sunday morning rodeos and afternoon church services collided with the SEND Network training, things took off! 

With a desire to grow from the harvest field, or as they say “the pasture”, Church in the Dirt aims to make disciples who make disciples “wherever you live, work, or play.” 

PRAYER POINTS: Let’s pray for the pastoral team, led by Mike Emerson and Dave Evans, to have wisdom during this next phase of church growth and their efforts to cultivate a sending culture. Pray also for new believers to be strengthened as they begin to grow as disciples. 

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