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“There is just enough church culture left out here that traditional outreach methods could draw a crowd, but really only among existing believers.”  

Pursuing Gospel-centered community among do-it-yourself pioneers might seem like an inefficient evangelism method, but in Grand Junction, Colorado, the art of neighboring has proven itself effective in the life of River City Church. 

Josh and Jill McCarty, along with their four kids, planted River City five years ago with a vision of becoming a community of missionaries and disciple-makers. They wanted to reach those nobody else was going to. “For many non-believers, there is an attraction to sincere community even though they don’t yet acknowledge Jesus as King,” says Josh. Through their missional communities, many have found a place to belong even before they believe. 

Recently their reach has even made an international impact. Muslim international students are opening relational connections at the local university. And since moving some of their gatherings to a local coffee shop, they have partnered to send members to help start a “sister” coffee shop ministry among university students in Malaga, Spain. 

PRAYER POINTS: Let’s pray for the church members, in their 60’s, being sent to Spain. Pray for God to raise up new leaders to fill in the gap. And pray for Josh as he pursues co-vocational opportunities alongside his role as a NAMB Church Planter Trainer. 

When you give to your church, you give to missions through the Cooperative Program, bringing the Good News to the whole world. Find more CP resources at 

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