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Dakotas, West Virginia set executive director search deadlines

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – October deadlines have been set by Baptists in the Dakotas and West Virginia for executive director nominees.

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Oct. 9 is the deadline for individuals to submit their names or their nominations to the Dakota Baptist Convention, Oct. 31 for the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists.

Dakota Baptists, encompassing 83 churches in the two states, are seeking a successor for Garvon Golden, who retires Dec. 31, having led the convention since 2012. A job description can be requested by email to [email protected].

West Virginia Baptists, with 240 churches, are seeking a successor for Bill Henard, who transitioned to First Baptist Church’s pastor in Athens, Tenn., on Aug. 1, having led the convention since 2015. A job description can be accessed at

For the Dakota opening, names and resumes should be emailed to [email protected] or sent by mail to Dakota Baptist Convention, P.O. Box 549, Rapid City, SD 57709, Attention: DBC Administrative/Personnel Team.

For West Virginia, the addresses are or Search Committee, WV Convention of Southern Baptists, 28 Mission Way, Scott Depot, WV 25560.

Job descriptions are similar for both conventions. For the Dakotas, the basic responsibility is providing “administrative oversight to all Dakota Baptist Convention personnel, programs and agencies.” For West Virginia, the principle function is to serve as “Chief Executive Officer of the state convention and for the Executive Board, which conducts the affairs of the convention between sessions.”

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The Dakota convention’s search is being conducted by the Executive Board’s administrative committee: Dude Garrett, pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Fargo, N.D., chairman; Bob Farmer, pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Minot, N.D., vice chairman; Sean Donnelly, pastor of Black Hills Baptist Church in Whitewood, S.D., and president of the convention; Jimmie Dettemen, pastor of Hills of Grace Baptist Church in Rapid City and DBC vice president; and Anne Marie Caldwell, member of Calvary Baptist Church in Rapid City.

The 15-member West Virginia search committee was finalized July 30, to be chaired by C.J. Adkins, pastor of Westmoreland Baptist Church in Huntington and WVCSB second vice president, with Ed Goodman, Upper Ohio Baptist Association director of missions, as vice chairman.

The committee includes state leaders and laypeople from all 10 Baptist associations across the state: Paul Harris, pastor of Abundant Hope Baptist Church, Barboursville, and WVCSB president; Nathan Ertel, student pastor, Old Fields Baptist Church, Old Fields, and WVCSB first vice president; Jim Messenger, pastor of Faith Baptist Church, West Union, and WVCSB recording secretary; Mason Ballard, pastor of Resurrection Church, Charleston; Bryan Dugger, pastor of Westview Baptist Church, Martinsburg; Rick Gannon, pastor of Borderland Baptist Church, Williamson; Jim Higginson, pastor of Temple Baptist Church, Moundsville; Kevin Howerton, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church, Princeton; Don Knotts, pastor of Salt and Light Southern Baptist Church, Clarksburg; Dallas Smith, pastor of First Baptist Church of Fairlea, Ronceverte; Lynn Sommerville, member of Southside Southern Baptist Church, Parkersburg; Randy Spurgeon, pastor of Ansted Baptist Church, Ansted; and Jim Strawderman, pastor of Southern Baptist of Philippi, Philippi.

The WVCSB asked Southern Baptists in an Aug. 27 news release to share the executive director national search through their personal, print, web and social channels.

“We celebrate God’s past faithfulness, but believe West Virginia’s best days are ahead,” the executive search landing page states, adding that “it’s time to pull together, expect great things of God, and attempt great things for God.”

Written by Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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