Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief has deployed across Arkansas to aid in relief and recovery efforts following the severe thunderstorms and tornadoes that tore through the Natural State on Friday, March 31.
Officials reported more than 50 people were injured in Friday afternoon’s tornado in Little Rock, preliminarily categorized as an EF-3 by the National Weather Service, with winds more than 165 mph.

About 2,648 structures were impacted.
In Wynne, about 100 miles Northeast of Little Rock, a massive tornado left a trail of destruction and death with officials reporting four fatalities.
Photos of both Little Rock and Wynne circulated on social media showing destroyed homes and buildings, torn fences, flipped cars and shredded rooftops.
Disaster relief teams are assisting survivors with mass feeding and chainsaw work. Chaplains and assessors are also on site.
Disaster Relief teams from surrounding states are also aiding in relief and recovery efforts, including the Southern Baptists of Texas Disaster Relief, Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief, and Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief.

Please continue to pray for survivors as they navigate the days ahead and all Disaster Relief volunteers ministering on the scene.