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First Baptist in Marvell renews Mercy Meals Ministry

MARVELL, Ark. – At First Baptist Church in Marvell their mission is “Serving the Savior … Touching lives.”  

“Our goal is to find ways that we can touch lives,” Susan Ligon of the church’s missions committee said.  

One of the many ways the church accomplishes this goal is through its Mercy Meals Ministry, which they have recently restarted after a brief hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Church members volunteer to make casseroles or other homecooked meals that can be frozen, which are then labeled and put in one of the freezers in the church kitchen. At various times, volunteers can come to the church, pick up a casserole and take it to those who may benefit from the meal and visit.  

These might be people who have had surgery or chemo treatments, lost loved ones or just need some food. 

“We feel like it is our job to help people and tell them about Christ. That is what our mission is,” Ligon said. “We’re a pretty small town so we know most people that are sick or in the hospital or have lost a loved one. We don’t just limit it to our members. Sometimes it’s just a person who may be lonely or down on their luck. We want them to know our church is thinking about them and praying for them.”  

Ligon said they have never had somebody reject a meal.  

“People are normally very appreciative. I think it helps the church as whole just knowing that we are out there trying to do something to help others,” Ligon said.  

Members can volunteer in three areas for the Mercy Meals Ministry. They can help by preparing meals, praying for the ministry or delivering the food. 

In addition to their Mercy Meals Ministry, the church has a Covered with Love blanket ministry, where they take blankets and devotional books to the kidney dialysis group in Helena as well as others that may be taking chemotherapy or just may need to know they care. 

Additionally, Ligon said the church ministers to their college students. One way they do that is by sending care packages from time to time to let them know the church is thinking of them. 

“It’s a very loving church,” Ligon said. “Our pastor has done a good job trying to help everybody have time to fellowship and be friends, not just church members.”   

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