[First Person] Married for 65 plus years

Annette and I said “yes” to each other on June 6, 1958. We are approaching 66 years of being married. In today’s world that is incredible. 

We met in a very unusual way. I was asked to lead the music worship time in a Longview, Texas church when I was a first-year student at East Texas Baptist College, now University. When I went to the church on that particular Sunday, the pastor took me back to meet the pianist. The pianist was Annette Anderson who became my wife in 1958.  

We both believe very strongly that God put us together to serve Him. In churches that I served as minister of music, she always played the piano. She was excellent! 

We are asked from time to time, “How did you remain married for so many years?” The answer is not that simple. We believe God put us together in marriage and that commitment lasts for a lifetime.  

Of course, there were difficult times. When we were in the early years of our marriage, financial matters were often a problem. We had children. Often, we had differences about raising two girls.  

In the years of marriage when we were young, we moved often because I changed churches. Annette liked to stay in a place, settle, and stay for a lengthy period of time. In those years, we moved fourteen times in fourteen years.  

Through all these years, we have, in the midst of ups and downs, learned to love each other and enjoy our experiences together. I want to share some of the joys I have experienced being married to Annette for almost sixty-six years. 

First, she is totally dedicated to me and our family. We now have one daughter (Our oldest daughter died during the Covid pandemic.), five grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. She loves all these children and me with a love that causes her to be completely devoted to us. I can’t even describe the joy she brings to me and the family members. 

Through all the years, I watched her grow in her love for God’s Word. At Christmas time when I asked her what she would like for Christmas, it was not unusual for her to ask for a different translation of the Bible. She reads the Bible through every year in a different translation. It brings joy to my heart the way she reads and studies God’s Word. 

As part of my job, we were able to travel to Europe. This was part of our partnership with the European Baptist Convention. We had marvelous experiences on those trips. Being able to do it together brought much joy to both of us. We formed some friendships during those trips that we still remember and talk about often. 

Being a member of Park Hill Baptist Church, North Little Rock, we have formed a friendship with a great couple in our church. We have traveled together on fun trips. We spent time with each other at a lake house they own on Greers Ferry Lake. We always have great fun with this couple. We believe that God put us together as friends. What joy we both experience with this wonderful couple. 

Another extraordinary joy that I experience is that Annette makes sure that I have what I need. She makes sure my clothes are always clean and ready to wear. She prepares meals that she knows that I like. She keeps the house clean. Of course, I do help a little by vacuuming every once in a while. 

A great joy that I experience is that Annette prays for me often. As I leave to go somewhere to speak or preach, I often say to her, “Pray for me.” She replies, “I have already been praying for you.” Knowing that she prays for me brings unspeakable joy.  

I could go on listing other things that bring joy to my heart, but I believe you get a sense of the love we have for each other and the joy it brings to me. As you make your way through the years of marriage, I hope you experience some of these joys. You will be blessed! 

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5 Responses

  1. Jimmie & Annette, thank you for the example you have set and continue to set especially to couples serving the Lord across the ABSC.

  2. A big congratulations Jimmie and Annette on 65+ years of marriage. Nancy and I are so grateful that the Lord brought you both into our lives as good friends some years ago. May the Lord continue to bless you both as wonderful examples of a loving couple in the ministry together.
    Ralph and Nancy

  3. Congrats as you approach your 66th anniversary! May God continue to bless you and make you a blessing to others. I had the privilege of teaching music at VBS for 7 years while Annette was there. Lasting marriages are blessings not only to the couple but to their children and grandchildren, and are beautiful pictures of God’s faithfulness to a watching world.

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