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Foundation holds Annual Board Advance at Ouachita Baptist University 

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Each August, the Arkansas Baptist Foundation (ABF) provides an opportunity for its Board of Directors to experience, in-person, the work and ministry of the agencies and institutions the Foundation serves. ABF does this by collaborating with an agency or institution to host their Annual Board Advance onsite at the ministry partner’s physical location.  

The 2024 meeting was held in Arkadelphia on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University (OBU) on Thursday, August 8th. The Board, ABF staff, and other guests, heard from Dr. Ben Sells, OBU President, about current projects underway at OBU as well as new degree programs. Dr. Sells followed his update with a question-and-answer session with three students who graduated from OBU in May 2024. The graduates gave the Board an understanding of an OBU education through the eyes of students. At the end of the day, Dr. Sells led a tour through the OBU campus emphasizing new academic initiatives. 

Highlights of the Board Advance sessions that took place following Dr. Sells update include: 

  • John McCallum, retired pastor and OBU board member, shared a devotional from Psalms 24:1-2, “The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord; for He laid its foundation on the seas and established it on the rivers.” McCallum shared his thoughts on what belongs to the Lord including possessions, people, time, and abilities. He closed with the reminder that the Lord gives to us, and in response we can be grateful and content stewards of the Lord’s gifts.  
  • Bobby Thomas, ABF President, led a review of the financial reporting through June 30th, including year to date distributions of $26,368,675, which is up 17% from this time last year and the highest ever through June 30th. Total distributions for the past twelve months were reported as $54.2 million, also a record high for distributions made through the Foundation. 
  • The Board voted to continue the 5% distribution rate from ABF’s Spending Plan Fund to maintain consistent ministry funding in 2025. They also agreed to keep the timing of the annual calculation to coincide with the determination of the distribution rate to give clarity in budgeting and cash flow planning for ministry partners.  
  • Recognition of the Board of Director nominations for 2025 to be presented for approval at this year’s Annual Meeting. Nominees include Matthew Shepherd of El Dorado and Tommy Vaughn of Little Rock, both of whom are previous board members. Jordan Sharp of Rogers, Chester Witherspoon of Marion, and Sarah Young of Cabot are current board members eligible for re-election.  

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