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“Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.”  (1 Timothy 5:17, NKJV) 

The Southern Baptist Convention has set aside the fourth Sunday in June for churches to celebrate and raise a special offering for Mission:Dignity.  

Mission:Dignity is a ministry of Guidestone Financial Resources that financially assists “those who have labored in the Word.” These men and women who have faithfully served, many in small churches that could not afford to contribute to their pastor’s retirement, may find themselves struggling to afford their daily needs. God’s promise to provide for His faithful servants and our call to act on that promise, are at the heart of the Mission:Dignity ministry.  

Mission:Dignity honors these workers through advocacy and financial assistance. Through this ministry, more than $9 million is distributed annually to help retirement-age Southern Baptist ministers, workers and their widows whose income is insufficient to meet their needs. Prospective recipients, age 65 or older with at least 10 years of paid Southern Baptist service, must complete an application for assistance. Those who meet the guidelines will receive monthly financial assistance based on their assets, income and ministry service time.

Mission:Dignity depends primarily on the direct gifts of individuals, businesses, Sunday School classes, and churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. Click here to order an information kit from GuideStone to share with your group or to give online. Every dollar of gifts received is used for monthly distribution to more than 2,400 individuals who receive assistance each year, approximately 60% of whom are widows.

Arkansas Baptists may give through the Arkansas Baptist Foundation by designating your check for Mission:Dignity. The Foundation has established a Mission:Dignity Fund to benefit Arkansas residents who meet the requirements. All contributions or designations to this fund will be distributed so that these recipients can receive additional assistance to meet their basic needs. You can also contact the Foundation at 501-376-4791 ext. 5907 or [email protected] about supporting this worthy cause.

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