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Kansas-Nebraska Baptists focus on evangelism

LEXINGTON, Neb. – Evangelism was a key focus as the Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists (KNCSB) held its 2019 annual meeting at Parkview Baptist Church in Lexington, Neb.

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Keynote speaker Anthony Jordan, retired executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, challenged attendees to make evangelism a priority.

“Everywhere we go we should be looking for that lost person to witness to,” Jordan said.

“So That All May Know,” based on Joshua 4, was the theme for the Oct. 14-15 meeting that drew 202 registered messengers and 76 registered visitors.

Messengers adopted a 2020 KNCSB budget of $3,959,316, nearly 2 percent above the 2019 budget, KNCSB reported. The budget includes an increase in Cooperative Program giving of half of a percentage point, raising giving to 29.5 percent of receipts. Half of Cooperative Program income that exceeds the budget will be included in national Cooperative Program giving, the KNCSB reported.

New officers

Newly elected president is Voyt Lynn, pastor of First Baptist Church, Douglass, Kan. Lynn previously served two years as KNCSB vice president. David Martinez, associate pastor of Northern Heights Baptist Church in Norfolk, Neb., is the new vice president. Martinez is the first Hispanic elected to a KNCSB office, the convention reported.

Other officers are recording secretary Bryan Jones, pastor of Tyler Road Southern Baptist Church, Wichita, Kan.; assistant recording secretary Susan Pederson, a member of Prairie Hills Southern Baptist Church, Augusta, Kan.; and historian Tony Mattia, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Wamego, Kan.

A reception was held for KNCSB staff member Tim Boyd who is retiring at the end of 2019. Boyd serves as Baptist Digest editor and leader of the KNCSB strengthening team.

The 2020 KNCSB annual meeting will be held Oct. 12-13, 2020, at Webster Conference Center in Salina, Kan., celebrating KNCSB’s 75th anniversary. The 2021 meeting is scheduled for Oct. 11-12 at First Southern Baptist Church in Garden City, Kan.

Written by Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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