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Letter to the Editor: A note to the editor

I’m writing you this note to say thank you for the excellent work you and your staff do on putting together and providing for the news needs of Arkansas Baptists. Your detail to quality and your excellent reporting on issues that are relevant and vital to our sister churches across this great state are such a blessing. I’ve been reading the Arkansas Baptist almost all of my life, even the 18 years I spent in Texas. I would go to the seminary library every two weeks to get a look at what was happening back home.

I remember Charlie (Warren) and all those folks who made the Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) personal and remembered you at state or national conventions. You have certainly carried on that heritage, and I look forward to getting my digital and paper copy every two weeks. I want to know what is going on and how to pray and celebrate, mourn or help my brothers and sisters across this great state of ours. The ABN helps me stay connected and have a small part in unity and kingdom partnership across the state.

I’m excited about the new features and different ways of having the news available as my need arises. I’m looking into the church newsletter option for the back page of the paper. It’s a great and valuable tool that you are making available to any size church at a very affordable rate.

I like that the paper has so much variety, and you try to be fair and even across the board on opinions and thoughts. You tackle the hard issues with fairness, and you give equal time to other needs and stories that bless our people. I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and read other materials outside of my studies for sermons and lessons, but I take the time to read the ABN.

I know newspapers and that sort are on the way out in many areas, but I, for one, want to say, “Thank you,” and thanks to Arkansas Baptists for keeping such a valuable tool alive and well. God bless you, Tim, and all the ABN staff. I just thought you needed to know you are a blessing.

In His blessed steps (1 Peter 2:21),

Alan BrownBerryville

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