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[Meet Your AM] Robin Foster serves Trinity Association

TRUMANN, Ark. – Associational Missionary Robin Foster’s goal is to help churches work together in accomplishing the Great Commission.  

This January, Foster will mark six years with the Trinity Baptist Association, which primarily covers Poinsett County and is comprised of approximately 28 churches.  

Foster accepted Christ into his heart in 1990 at the age of 22. He was called to the ministry in 1997. After completing seminary, during which he worked as a youth pastor, he started as a bi-vocational pastor. He served in Oklahoma for eight years and east Texas for three years before moving back to Arkansas in 2013. In Arkansas, Foster served at Second Baptist Church in Russellville for three and a half years and in Clarksville for one and a half years before beginning work at Trinity Baptist Association in January 2018.  

As associational missionary, Foster said his goal is to “help churches work together and aid one another in accomplishing the Great Commission.”  

One way the association does this is through partnering with and connecting churches with each other when they are planning missions trips. Going along with that, the association offers scholarships for people to go on the missions trips as well as for children to attend summer camps.  

The association also has an annual service day, similar to the One Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience, where volunteers from churches within the association go out and serve their community. Foster said they usually have more than 100 people assist with that.  

Additionally, in partnership with Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas, Foster said the association offers classes to help people receive college credit. The association also hosts men’s and women’s conferences as well as pastor workshops.  

“The goal is to offer resources for churches to use to benefit them because theologically speaking I believe as a church they should be engaging in the Great Commission,” Foster said. He said the association “just comes alongside and helps churches facilitate doing the Great Commission.”  

Foster and his wife, Tina, will mark their 33rd wedding anniversary in December. They have two children and two granddaughters.  

“I am blessed to be doing what I’m doing. … I am in a good association with good people with good pastors,” Foster said.  

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