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[Meet your AM] Ron Lomax serves Washington Madison Baptist Association

The Washington Madison Baptist Association banner found on its website,

For the past 11 ½ years and counting, Ron Lomax has served as the associational missionary for the Washington Madison Baptist Association in Fayetteville.  

Originally from Missouri, Lomax graduated from Southeast Missouri State University and completed seminary in New Orleans.  

Ron Lomax

Lomax served as a youth pastor at First Baptist Church in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, from 1984-1987. From there, he went with the International Missions Board to South Africa, where they served until 2006 as a youth and sports evangelism missionary.  

Lomax then returned to Missouri, where he served as missions pastor at First Baptist Church in O’Fallon for 5 ½ years.  

Lomax came to Fayetteville to serve as associational missionary in November 2011. He said Washington Madison is an “association of 60 churches, connected together to reach our communities, our state, our nation, and the world.”  

They operate through an Executive Committee plus four Ministry Teams: Evangelism/Prayer Team; Ministry Equipping Team; Missions/Church Planting Team; and Church Staff Support Team.   

Through these teams, Lomax said they’re able to have a pastor/staff fellowship every Monday morning; pastor/staff and ministerial wives retreats; ministerial wives’ quarterly brunch; ministerial couples’ retreat; annual mission trips; evangelism rally; and much more.  

Lomax said his goal is “to encourage and support ministerial staffs and the members of our churches.”  

“I want to be a friend who can listen and learn and help where I can,” Lomax said. “Our associational churches like one another and participate in corporate gatherings and events. Our pastors encourage one another and pray for each other. We enjoy being in partnership with other associations and our state convention.”   

Lomax and his wife, Karen, have three children who grew up in South Africa, all of whom are married now. They have six grandchildren with another on the way.  

For more information about the Washington Madison Baptist Association and upcoming events, visit  


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  1. Helen Stockton will be 90 years old on the 25th. We are asking all who know her to send her a birthday card in the mail next week to honor her. Her address is 3367 W. Yale
    Fayetteville, AR 72704. Thank you!

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