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Messenger, childcare pre-registration open for 2021 SBC Annual Meeting

NASHVILLE (BP) – Messenger and childcare pre-registration are open at for the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting June 15-16 in Nashville.

The meeting at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center will be the first time Southern Baptists have gathered as a convention since 2019, with the 2020 meeting canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Pastors and churches, plan now to come to Nashville!” said Ronnie Floyd, president of the SBC Executive Committee. “Bring your full slate of messengers, pastors and laypersons. We are always better when our laypersons are involved in SBC life. This summer’s attendance could be outstanding, so do not miss coming to Nashville.”

SBC President J.D. Greear said there’s value in attending the meeting.

“Decisions are made by those in the room. This summer we will reaffirm and recommit that ‘We Are Great Commission Baptists’ whose primary reason for coming together is to send missionaries, plant churches, and train up the next generation,” said Greear, pastor of The Summit Church in the Raleigh-Durham, N.C., area. “Let’s together make this annual meeting be the most focused on the Great Commission in our history and the most fun, united by Jesus’ work on the cross.”

To register, prospective messengers must include their church’s SBC identification number and confirmation that their church has chosen them as a messenger. Each cooperating Southern Baptist church is allotted two messengers, with some allowed as many as 12, depending on church size and Cooperative Program giving.

A host of ancillary meetings and events will precede and coincide with the annual meeting, including the June meeting of the SBC Executive Committee, meetings of various SBC fellowships, and various events hosted by SBC entities and the Woman’s Missionary Union. Separate registration is required for some ancillary events.

Childcare registration

Childcare registration is open for the June 13-14 Send Conference as well as the June 15-16 annual meeting. Options include Youth on Mission for teenagers, led by the Woman’s Missionary Union; Giant Cow Ministries for children 5 to 12 years old, and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Childcare for newborns through 5-year-olds.

All childcare activities will be held onsite at Gaylord Opryland, with youth participating in community-based mission projects.

Fees, payable upon pre-registration, include a $10 non-refundable payment per child, and separate $25 charges per preschooler for each event, whether the Send Conference or the annual meeting. Daily lunch will be available June 14-16 for preschoolers for $6 per child each day.

Hotel registration has been available since Oct. 1, 2020.

This article was originally published by Baptist Press on

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