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Misiones para Todos launched for Hispanic churches

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Misiones para Todos (Missions for All) is Woman’s Missionary Union’s new, bilingual digital resource for missions leaders in Hispanic churches.

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“This resource is the result of much research and great collaboration with Hispanic leaders as we sought to identify missions needs among Hispanic congregations,” said Kristy Carr, senior hub manager, national WMU. “We assembled a task force comprised of a Hispanic pastor and Hispanic leaders around the country who work with various ages in a variety of cultural contexts. Research, along with their invaluable input and much prayer, led to the creation of Missions for All.”

Missions for All is a quarterly resource written primarily by Hispanic missions leaders. Responding to the identified needs of Hispanic audiences, the new resource replaces two print resources that WMU discontinued this year, a magazine called Nuestra Tarea and Planes de trabajo de la UFM, which was an annual resource.

“Missions for All includes many helps for leaders, whether new or experienced,” Carr said. “Some of these articles include digital links to more information. Each quarter there are three Bible studies and three mission studies, and there are two articles each quarter specifically for pastors written by Hispanic pastors.”

As a bilingual digital resource, Missions for All offers the convenience of electronic accessibility along with flexibility to print content, as needed, in either Spanish or English. Each quarter also includes a link to the prayer calendar to pray for missionaries on their birthday and a reader-submitted idea for mission action.

While women missions leaders in Hispanic Southern Baptist churches are the primary audience, most of the content is relevant for both men and women. All Bible studies are based on the same Scriptures used for Bible studies in Missions Mosaic magazine but are original articles from Hispanic writers. All mission studies include the same missionaries or missions areas featured in all age-level WMU resources the same month.

Additionally, Missions for All contains information and ideas for dated emphases such as the state missions emphasis in September, the emphasis on global hunger in October, and the Weeks of Prayer.

The premiere issue of Missions for All, Fall 2019, is now available and includes articles on topics such as discipleship through mentoring, elements of a missions lifestyle, how to lead and add interest to missions meetings, and much more. For more information or to download sample articles, visit

Missions for All costs $19.99 for one full year (delivered quarterly) or $7.99 per quarter. To purchase, visit or call WMU Customer Service at 800-968-7301.

Written by Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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