Easter 2019 was an unforgettable Easter. Several new believers from surrounding villages came to a celebration we had at our house under the huge, shady mango tree. We had taken several trips into the villages and invited new believers and their families to the celebration. I have never seen my vehicle packed quite that tightly before. Everyone was so excited, and some were confused as to why we were making such a big deal of the event.
We had the privilege of hearing a message from a local believer who became our national partner. He explained why we were celebrating. He explained how we now have joy and assurance because Jesus is alive.
One of the new believers present that day passed away a year later from a chronic wound infection. We are so thankful we had the chance to celebrate with him that day.
We also had the opportunity to share this day with several Fusion student missionary team members who had poured so much energy into building several of the relationships that were represented that day.
This was our last Easter in our village due to COVID-19 and moving out of the area.
I’m so grateful to the Lord for giving us the opportunity to witness Him at work and to see people celebrate something they never even knew existed–new life and hope.
Many languages, one resurrection
By Josh Rivers*
Believers sing worship songs in their heart language.
Last Easter Sunday at our church, each of the five languages represented in our congregation got up and sang a worship song in their heart language. Afterward, the missionaries got up and sang a worship song in English as well.https://player.vimeo.com/video/530538920?dnt=1&app_id=122963&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0
Children learn a big truth from small eggs
By Katie Foshee*
For many years, I’ve used the resurrection eggs to share the Easter story with the kids clubs that I teach. I prepare colored strips of paper that I place in my Bible that coordinate with the appropriate verse and matching color of the eggs. This has been successful in maintaining interest and focus as the kids are eager to be the one chosen to pick a colored strip from the Bible or to open the corresponding Easter egg.
I share the verse from the Bible, then after the child has opened the egg and showed the group what is in it, I share how that item is a part of the Easter story. After we’ve gone through the story, I tell them the Easter story all the way through, from beginning to end.
Katie Foshee teaches a kids club that meets in front of the local church. “The kids are from church as well as kids from the neighborhood who don’t come to church. The parents let them come to church and I’ve built relationships with some of the mothers. I invite them to church and for the Easter service the next day. And we’ve seen a few show up for Easter Sunday, which is always a blessing in this predominantly Muslim country,” Foshee says.
Next we review. I hold up each egg in order and ask if they remember what was in that particular egg. I ask them to explain how that item—such as the nail, the crown of thorns or the empty egg—is a part of the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Then, we practice telling the story and I call on two or three to share the story in front of the group. The kids are excited to be chosen and are curious to see what each egg holds. The surprise at the last egg being empty and that Jesus’ tomb is empty is always exciting. To hear their voices saying, “The tomb is empty. He is not there. He is risen,” (in the local language) as we retell the story fills my heart with joy every single time. I encourage them to share the story with their families when they return home.
*Names changed for security