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By Bobby Thomas

President/CEO, Arkansas Baptist Foundation

Sitting in our board meeting this past month, as I looked around the room I was reminded of the depth and quality of leaders and friends God has placed around us here at the Foundation. I could not help but be thankful for the provision represented by each and every one of them. We are truly blessed during this time.

As we took the opportunity to reevaluate, rethink, and refocus during this season of uncertainty, I was also reminded that God has a wonderful plan for the Foundation as we move forward. We have certainly attempted to do our part by maintaining 2020 ministry distributions in an effort to provide stability to our ministry partners.

We have also spent countless hours assisting churches and entities with the CARES Act and more specifically the Paycheck Protection Program. This piece of legislation has proven to be another sign of God’s provision in difficult times. In fact, despite previous reports and fears, there are still funds available in these programs to assist our churches. Again, we are blessed.

However, the strongest reminder I have received during this time is the prompt to move the Foundation’s ministry forward. This is not a time to “hunker down,” not when our churches and entities need us in such clear and pronounced ways. So, we at the Foundation commit to move forward into what God has for us as we strive to…

  • SERVE Arkansas Baptist churches and ministries,
  • ADVISE in areas where our staff are gifted and equipped, and
  • ENCOURAGE stewardship both corporately and personally whenever possible.

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