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By Bobby Thomas

President/CEO, Arkansas Baptist Foundation

Moving Further

By Bobby Thomas

President/CEO, Arkansas Baptist Foundation

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By Bobby Thomas

President, Arkansas Baptist Foundation

At the Foundation, we are celebrating two significant moves that we have been discussing internally for nearly two years. First of all, we have moved upstairs within the ABSC building to Suite 222. We are now directly across the hall from the Convention’s Business and Administration office and much closer to the Church Planting team – which leads me to my next announcement. The move coincides with us adding a new shared ministry position with ABSC as our partnership continues to expand.

Patrick Henry will be joining the Foundation’s staff on August 1st as the Administration Coordinator. Patrick is an experienced church administrator and comes to us from Second Baptist Church in Conway, having served as their Executive Pastor since 2016. In his 20 years of ministry service, Patrick has served churches in Mississippi and Texas in addition to Arkansas. He also comes from a family committed to ministry service as his father-in-law has long served as a pastor and his dad currently serves at the Mississippi Baptist Convention.

Patrick will serve as the primary point of contact regarding administration for ABSC churches and ministry teams. Initially, he will assist church plants, Delta Network churches, and churches experiencing transition. Patrick will work in conjunction with the Convention’s business office in the area of administration. Ultimately, he will coordinate our church administration support efforts. Patrick will also work in conjunction with me in the promotion of administration services to churches and associations.

Please join me in welcoming Patrick to the Arkansas Baptist Foundation family as we celebrate the culmination of nearly two years of prayer and planning this impactful move forward.

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