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National Day of Prayer 2021

The 2021 National Day of Prayer (NDOP) takes place on Thursday, May 6. The setting aside of a day to pray has been going on for many years. In 1988, Congress established an annual day of prayer. That law was amended designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.  

The theme for the 2021 NDOP is “Lord Pour Out Your Love, Life, and Liberty.” The scripture basis for the theme is 2 Corinthians 3:17 NAS, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 

As a nation, we certainly need God’s love to be manifested in all our relationships. We desperately need to be united in God’s love – our families, our churches, our states, and our nation. Jesus stated that he came to give us abundant life (John 10:10). He also came to set us free. As Jesus began His ministry, He quoted from Isaiah 61: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the set the oppressed free.” 

Approximately 35,000 prayer events will be held this year and several million people are expected to participate in praying for our nation. Your church can participate in an event such as a church-wide prayer meeting, a community-wide event, a youth event, or an association event.  

In these prayer events, you are encouraged to pray for specific things related to: 

  • Government (local, state, and federal) 
  • Family 
  • Church 
  • Workplace 
  • Education 
  • Military 
  • Arts, Media, and Entertainment 

You can find more information and ideas for conducting events on the NDOP website. On this website, you will find the 2021 National Day of Prayer Guide. You can order copies for your church. 

If ever our nation needed prayer, it is now. Your church can get involved in this great day of prayer. As a pastor or church leader, you can lead in helping your church participate in this event. And to quote one of our SBC leaders, “Now is the time to lead.”

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