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Rachel Young, a graduate of Arkansas State University, currently serves as an assistant campus minister at Metro BCM where she loves discipling a group of girls.

Whenever I went to college, I knew that I wanted to get involved in a ministry but had no idea the profound impact that it would ultimately have on my life. My freshman year, I started getting involved with 747, the college ministry at Central Baptist Church in Jonesboro. I began by attending a life group, and by the next year I was leading one.  

Being involved in 747 taught me one of the biggest principles that I have since taken with me, which is that of discipleship. Being a life group leader, I had the opportunity to be discipled by an older church member as I was able to disciple a group of girls myself. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, this idea of discipleship is crucial in the life of every believer and is a command that is seen in Matthew 28:19-20. This verse says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Following college, I took part in the Downline Institute, a discipleship training program here in Little Rock. It wasn’t until I did Downline that I began to realize even more how through 747 this idea of discipleship was being instilled into me.

Being on staff with the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) in Little Rock has grown me in that it has stretched me to be more intentional with Gospel conversations and to be more direct when it comes to sharing my faith. All of this comes through discipleship. Because someone has directly discipled me, I have a desire and a goal to disciple others and to share with them what Christ has done in my life.

The Little Rock [Metro] BCM has a mission of bringing college students to the Lord. Like I was whenever I went to college, the college ministry that people are a part of has the capability of changing lives from the inside out. College is such an important time in life where one can either run from Christ or run to Christ. I love being able to play a small part in helping college students run closer to Christ during this time in their life. 

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