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[Next Generation] Two campuses, one mission

Over the last two months, Gospel ministry at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) and Southeast Arkansas Community College (SEARK), what we are affectionately calling the Pine Bluff Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM), has been flourishing. In the case of both campuses, the ministry has not only the interest of other students, but also the faculty, staff, and administration. Just in these two months, we have had 14 Gospel conversations, three students put their faith in Jesus, and over 20 freshmen become a part of our ministry. 

We’ve taken this semester to build community, and establish our mission to “Help Students Find Jesus and Follow Jesus.” The administration at both schools has allowed me room in their meetings, and always considers BCM when it comes to anything being done on campus. They even push students to our events if we are having them after sporting events or other on- campus activities as a way to give students a better outlet for nightlife. I have gotten to spend a lot of time in the cafeteria with students from different parts of the US and the world, getting to know their story and weaving the Gospel story in the conversation.  

SEARK and UAPB are both undergoing incredible changes for the better, with new facilities and athletic programs. This means that BCM will gain more momentum in reaching all of the different students, faculty, and staff these changes will bring. 

This is what Baptist Collegiate Ministry is all about. Our ministry engages the nations, and engages the post-modern world that our students and young adults have been so deeply immersed in, and proclaims the Gospel that will lead them to “a saving knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). There is still much to do, more students to reach, and the same Gospel to be proclaimed. We believe though, that as God works on these campuses, we won’t just see change here, but in the entire Delta, and ultimately, to the nations. Pray for us! 

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One Response

  1. Praying that our Jesus continues to use you in a mighty way Matthew.

    I am convinced the great mission field in the United States and the one that will have the most impact on the world is the college campus.

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