Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts has appointed alumnus Larry Grayson as chair of the Department of Worship Arts and instructor of music. Originally from Camden, Ark., Grayson previously served 10 years as music and worship consultant for the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) in Little Rock, Ark.
“We are delighted that Larry Grayson will be joining Ouachita to provide leadership for our worship arts program,” said Dr. Stan Poole, vice president for academic affairs. “Our students will benefit from his depth of ministry experience, strong teaching record and extensive network of relationships with churches and worship pastors. He will be a tremendous asset as he models for our students the qualities most needed by churches and other ministry partners.”
As chair of the Department of Worship Arts, Grayson will serve on Ouachita’s School of Fine Arts committees as well as recruit prospective students for the Worship Arts Program and advise those who choose the major. Grayson also will teach the department’s worship arts courses and oversee worship arts internships and senior worship projects.
“We are very fortunate to have Mr. Grayson join our music faculty at Ouachita,” said Dr. Gary Gerber, dean of the School of Fine Arts and director of choral activities. “He will bring a wealth of knowledge and leadership in the field of worship arts. While serving the Arkansas Baptist State Convention for 10 years, Larry has formed a positive relationship with the worship pastors in the state of Arkansas and the state music consultants in the Southern Baptist Convention.
“Larry also has been teaching as an adjunct professor for the past few years and knows our students,” Gerber added.
Since 2010, Grayson has served as music and worship consultant for the ABSC, coordinating PraiseWorks and JoyWorks worship arts camps for youth and children, directing the Master’Singers statewide worship choir (including leading two mission trips with the choir to Ukraine) and building camaraderie among worship pastors through RoundTable events, among other responsibilities.
“It has truly been an honor serving Arkansas Baptists in this role, and it has been a ministry opportunity beyond what I ever dreamed,” Grayson said. “While serving at the ABSC, the constant conversation has been the shortage of trained worship leaders to serve our churches. Now, I have an incredible opportunity to pour my life into the students at Ouachita through instruction, shared experiences and meaningful conversations to meet that need.
“My heart’s desire is that every student who leaves Ouachita with a Worship Arts degree will be fully equipped to walk into any church – any style, any size – and lead in authentic, biblical worship. I am truly honored by this opportunity,” he added.
Grayson has served churches in Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina and Texas, including leading worship choir, orchestra, contemporary worship and student choirs and engaging in mission trips across the U.S. His longest tenure was serving as worship pastor for First Baptist Church of Lewisville, Texas, for 13 years.
Grayson graduated from Ouachita in 1975 with a Bachelor of Music Education degree and from Samford University in 1987 with a Master of Music Education degree. He also attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
For more information, contact Dr. Gary Gerber at (870) 245-5128 or [email protected].
By Rachel Moreno
This article was originally published by Ouachita Baptist University at obu.edu