KANSAS CITY, Kan. – It’s good to know that although we have to be wise in our film choices, there are some quality live-action theatrical release suitable for Christian parents and their kids.

One such film is “Overcomer,” the newest venture from Christian writers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, founders of Sherwood Pictures.
Overcomer is a family-friendly motion picture from the Kendrick brothers akin to their 2006 release, “Facing the Giants.”
Opening nationwide on Friday, Aug. 23, Overcomer focuses on high school basketball coach John Harrison (Alex Kendrick) whose dreams of a state championship are dashed when the town’s largest manufacturing plant closes and several of his team’s families move away.
Coach Harrison begins to question his worth until he gets to know an aspiring cross-country athlete (Aryn Wright-Thompson). Both are fish out of water but find themselves coming to terms with life’s journey as Harrison coaches the young runner to success on and off the track.
As with many of the Kendricks’ other films, Overcomer effortlessly blends drama and humor with spiritual insights. Heartfelt and believable, it offers hope that God does care for individuals and that He intervenes and blesses those with contrite hearts.
Overcomer wonderfully entertains and inspires. It is rated PG for thematic elements, but I caught nothing objectionable.
Written by Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.