By Paul Williams

Chairman, ABSC Executive Board

[Perspective] Eternal investments

By Paul Williams

Chairman, ABSC Executive Board

I recently attended a meeting where the discussion turned to investments. As I looked at the reports, it seemed like a Greek lesson to me as I had no understanding of the abbreviations on the page. Investments are something I am grateful to have but rarely understand how the market flows. When people tell me it is good, then I am happy. When people tell me things are not looking good, I try not to worry because markets are like Arkansas weather, always changing up and down. Investments are geared towards a future goal. They provide stability in uncertain times and create resources for carrying out goals. Investments can bring comfort to guard against unforeseen changes.  

I discovered recently that earthly, monetary investments are good only for earthly goals and dreams. There lies on the horizon a line where these types of investments can no longer bring stability, comfort, or peace. I have heard phrases such as, “You cannot carry any accumulation of goods with you to heaven.” We are all familiar with the verse in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”   

However, I have seen the value of investing in the work of God’s Kingdom on this earth. So many examples can be shared of individuals, churches, and agencies using investments to grow resources, direct funding, and secure reserves. I am a firm believer in being good stewards. 

I also see great value in a different kind of investment. Over the years of ministry, I see a greater need for eternal investments. Just as we take care of resources and funds. We are called to care for people around us. Eternal investments can only be seen in people, not in financial reports. This became very clear to me at a recent funeral I officiated.  

At the graveside, one of the family members came over to me and told me he had an idea while looking at the tombstones around. He mentioned the dates found on most tombstones. There is a beginning date of birth and there is an ending date of death. He realized that the first date is the beginning but is followed by an end. However, the ending date is never followed with another date. For him, it reminded him that there is no ending date for eternity. There is a birth date and a death date for our earthly body. There is only a beginning date for our eternal life.  

After he shared his new awareness, I had to admit that I had never recognized dates on a tombstone in such a way. This directed my thoughts to Matthew 6:19-21. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 

Earthly investments are necessary to continue legacies and provide for those left behind, but the eternal life of a person is far more valuable. The eternal investments we make in someone’s life will last forever. These investments will also carry a far greater multiplication factor than any rate of return or gain. I was humbled to think of so many times where I neglected eternally investing in others. We all have these opportunities. These may include sharing the gospel, showing love, or serving the needs of others, all in Jesus’s name. It is not about how much worth this person may have in my church or ministry or how well they may serve others. It is about whether an individual has the eternal security of salvation.  

So, I leave this perspective for us all. How many eternal investments have you made lately? 

Proverbs 11:4Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death. 

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