New year’s resolutions have been around as long as the new year has been observed I imagine. We make them, break them, laugh, and write about them. This forms the backdrop of my article, but I hope to go beyond the usual resolutions. What one practice or discipline perhaps already present in your life, do you desire to deepen this year? There is no end to the things we might consider. I offer one action and attitude that anyone can develop: gratitude.
Some definitions categorize gratitude as a mood which fluctuates. Another view is that gratitude is an emotion which is also temporary, or a state, disposition, or tendency to be grateful. I am writing more of the latter. Gratitude can and should be a permanent, growing characteristic of our lives. The Bible speaks to gratitude as more than being grateful for what is received, but in our giving grace and kindness to others. Certainly, it can be a response to kindness and grace shown to us. Gratitude is freely given to God for sustaining us, the Lord Jesus for saving us, and the Holy Spirit for guiding us. We truly cannot thank the Lord enough or too often.
How may we show gratitude in word or deed? Gratitude is a lifestyle, not a checklist. Like the air we breathe we should be enveloped and indwelt by gratitude. Even as you read, start calling on reasons to be grateful: salvation, family, church family, friends, privilege of praying, people who have deeply touched our lives, intercession of those we know and those we observe, and having this day of life with the assurance of life with no end. This is just a top of mind start!
Since a key component of gratitude is giving, why not think of a way you can show gratitude to others regularly. It may be a call, note, text, or visit to someone. It could be making a time to see someone with no agenda, other than to say I appreciate you and am grateful for you. When you practice gratitude for large and small blessings, you can’t keep that gratitude from flowing from you as a blessing to others.
I close with a sincere thank you, Arkansas Baptists, for your impact upon my life. Your ministries, faithfulness, and cooperation are reasons for gratitude to God for His work among us. Let us this year be mindful of our blessings and our intentional acts of gratitude toward God and others.