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By Jeff Dial

Executive director, Camp Siloam

[Perspective] Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I

By Jeff Dial

Executive director, Camp Siloam

“As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” -Matthew 3:11

Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I was the mentality of John the Baptist. It must have been the foundation of his salvation, preaching, and baptizing. John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus Christ during his entire ministry. 

Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I must be the mentality of the Christian today in 2025. Salvation, preaching, and baptism must be all about Jesus Christ, therefore Christian living must be all about Jesus Christ. 

Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I is at the heart of the theme for Camp Siloam this summer; “Legend of the Jungle Treasure.” The Biblical Character focus will be on the life of John the Baptist, and his pointing people to Jesus Christ. 

Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I is a great reminder for the Christian that life is not about me, but instead it is about Jesus Christ. He is every person’s treasure.  

Please pray that children, students, parents, summer staffers, and church leaders will understand mentally, physically, and spiritually that Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I. Please pray that all people on Camp Siloam’s property will experience salvation, discipleship, and God’s Call to the Gospel Ministry. 

Jesus Christ is Mightier Than I! Do we believe it? Do we live it? Will more people be saved because of it? 

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One Response

  1. I will be praying that God’s presence will be felt by every person that will be at Camp Siloam, not only for the upcoming summer event but on a daily basis! Praying that everyone will be safe, that hearts will be opened, souls will be saved, and lives will be changed forever!
    It’s all about HIM!

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