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By Dr. Rex Horne

Executive Director, Arkansas Baptist State Convention

[Perspective] When you ask, we will help

By Dr. Rex Horne

Executive Director, Arkansas Baptist State Convention

The annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention is always preceded by discussions of what will be presented and what impact those decisions will have on churches and conventions. The Indianapolis meeting was a good meeting with positive reports and decisions. Like most meetings of this kind, everyone has a thought of the good and what could have been better. Baptists are a wonderful group whose autonomy on every level is to be respected.  

As your executive director, I approached the meeting with the commitment that my ministry among you would not change by actions or inactions of our national body. My work and the work of those who serve you through the Arkansas Baptist State Convention have a clear charge. Two words guide our purpose: assist and encourage. I never tire of reading or sharing our statement: “The purpose of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention is to assist churches in fulfilling their mission and to encourage cooperative support and involvement in our worldwide mission enterprise.”   

Our service to Arkansas Baptists is made possible financially by your gifts through the Cooperative Program, Arkansas CP (gifts stay in Arkansas to support ministries approved by messengers), and the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering. This is the financial side funded by your voluntary gifts your churches send.  

There is another essential and necessary action that allows your state convention staff to assist and encourage your local church. It is your invitation to come alongside you. We have people ready to help all ages in your church to train your people in evangelism, mission strategies, prevention of sexual abuse and care for survivors, campus and camp ministries, church planting and assistance when your church is without a pastor through training, smart start and preaching.  

The point I am making is that as a part of the Arkansas Baptist family, when you ask, we will help. We respect your autonomy and convictions about important matters. Our calling is to assist and encourage. We count this a great privilege and responsibility. So, I guess there is another word to add to the two, assist, encourage, and serve. We are here to serve the Lord by serving the churches of Arkansas. I pray our cooperation will continue to grow as the needs in our state grow. Together we can make a difference. The needs and challenges are many, but so are the opportunities to impact our state for Jesus.  

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One Response

  1. Thank you! Well said and greatly needed to be heard. I am glad you are in this leadership position at this time.

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