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Students and leaders ‘Connect’ in North Little Rock

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NORTH LITTLE ROCK – Students and leaders from across Arkansas converged on North Little Rock and other area communities Oct. 11-13 to assist churches in outreach as a part of Connect 2019.

Connect is an event designed to train and equip participants to be on mission every day of their lives through practical, hands-on mission and ministry opportunities, according to organizers. Connect is sponsored by the missions team of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention

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Students in grades 7-12 and their adult leaders started the weekend Friday evening, Oct. 11, at Central Baptist Church in North Little Rock with team building, meeting with project teams and worship.

In all, 230 participant volunteers from 16 churches served at 14 project sites.

Following breakfast, evangelism training and prayer, Connect groups fanned out across North Little Rock and area communities to do canvassing, conduct block parties and other activities. Following the Saturday’s activities groups returned to Central Baptist for dinner, worship and to debrief.

Bryan Shanks, youth pastor at First Baptist Church, Judsonia, brought a group that served at Another Chance Ministries in North Little Rock.

“We canvassed the local area. We went out in groups, went door-to-door inviting folks to the block party down here. This is a new community church. This church has only been here a month. So we’re getting them introduced to the community,” said Shanks.

“I’m called to make disciples. The Lord has blessed me with college and students, so this gives me the opportunity to give them some applicable, and tangible work in regards to what I teach them on a regular basis,” he added.

“So it gets them out to have them apply what we teach them in sharing the gospel in the community, and to just be a part of the discipleship of this church.”

Connect continued through Sunday morning with students and leaders attending worship services of churches where they served on Saturday.

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