Running with faith
Melissa Gasaway and her family could have never guessed the journey they were about to embark on and what the Lord would do to see them through.
Melissa Gasaway and her family could have never guessed the journey they were about to embark on and what the Lord would do to see them through.
When an individual from an unengaged, unreached people group comes to faith, many rejoice: the missionaries who’ve dedicated their lives to reaching the people group, the believers and churches in the United States who’ve spent time praying for and investing resources in the people, the national believers and churches who have been instrumental in gaining access to and reaching the people, and even the angels in heaven (Luke 15:10).
The faithfulness of Dardanelle First Baptist Church exceeded his expectations.
A third trait of the Williams Way is what I call “courageous faith.” Courageous faith refers to a deep, strong trust in Christ that moves us to bold action.
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