John Dina’s job description isn’t medicine as missions, but he sees his work in community development in Mozambique as one way of doing healthcare missions.
The Marshalls are two of the 34 IMB missionaries recognized during the Sending Celebration on Sept. 29, 2021, at Staples Mill Road Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. The missionaries were approved for appointment by International Mission Board trustees earlier that day during their meeting.
“From our first meeting she was eager and excited to know God,” said Ellison. “She believed that God’s Word was truth and was eager to learn it for herself.”
Baptist work in Brazil has grown from a small group of people 150 years ago to 15,000 congregations and 3.5 million people today.
Cabrera was sent to partner with IMB missionary Jeremy Taliaferro’s team serving these refugees earlier this summer. The team’s main objectives are humanitarian aid and spiritual aid. He plans to be in the country for a minimum of three years.
When an individual from an unengaged, unreached people group comes to faith, many rejoice
Through the IMB Summer Sojourners program, four U.S. university students braved COVID-19 and unrest in Columbia to spend the summer serving with the Touch of Life Foundation in Bucaramanga, which ministers to Venezuelan refugees.
For believers in South Asia, persecution comes in many forms. Often, professing faith in Christ can affect their standing within their communities and their ability to secure a means of providing for their families.
International Mission Board missionaries saw 18,380 churches planted, 144,322 new believers and 86,587 baptisms in 2020. This could not have happened without the prayers and financial support of Southern Baptist churches.
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